Authenticity is the most magnetic force in the Universe. When you're authentic to who you are at your core, to the you that lives beneath all of the roles you play in society, when you swim in the ocean of your uniqueness - all of the dreams, visions, and desires that live in your heart are attracted to you like Instagram Influencers to the cutest coffee shop in town.As humans in the era of social media - we LOVE our trends. But sometimes trends don't fully honor who we are at our core. Your feeds are probably flooded with "upcoming of 2020" trend articles. And while these are super fun to read...Let's take that trend love and use it for some magic. Here at Joshua Smith Inc we are starting the trend of creating personal trends for 2020. Instead of following the crowd (unless it feels totally aligned) let's take 15 minutes right now and begin to pinpoint the trends for this year that are true to the essence of who you are.Grab a journal, a pen, and begin to reflect:
How do I want to feel in my body over the course of 2020?
What are the things that feel good to ME in regards to eating, movement, breathing, and taking care of my vessel this year that will help me feel that way?
How do I want to feel in my mind over the course of 2020?
What are the things that feel good to ME in regards to how to stay centered, focused, clear and on track in feeling that way?
How do I want my soul to feel in 2020?
What are the practices that will nurture this feeling on a daily basis this year, and allow me to show up true to my soul in my relationships, career, home, self time, etc?
How do I want to feel in my career this year?
What are the choices, practices, and opportunities that feel good to me in order to show up this way? Even if I'm ready for growth, how can I feel this way exactly where I'm at right now?
How do I want to feel in my home this year?
What feels good to me about how to decorate, refresh, and maintain my sacred space this year?
How do I want to feel on a daily basis, with all of the parts of my life working together this year?
What are the 3 key trend words that I can take away to guide me on a daily basis?
And there you have it! Your own personal trends for the upcoming year!Share your 3 key trend words with us on social media! Tag #showmeyoursacred and @joshuasmithinc and we'll keep you accountable ;)Cheers to a year of blue skies,Josh